Wednesday, November 12, 2014

My Champion!

Bull Riding at the Ephrata Fair
Here is Evan, my champion! His "ride" has not been easy, but he continues to SMILE! I have so much to learn from my 5 year old!
What do I have to say? I'm not a blogger, I'm not good with making my words sound eloquent or fancy. I'm just going to post an update and what God laid on my heart. God has given us Evan for a special purpose! There are so many people who care about him! So if your reading this, it's probably because you care....

My Kindergartner
First of all God is good. He has drawn us closer to Himself. He has brought Leon & I closer each other and to our children. He has put a true love and sensitivity for others in our children's hearts. They will remind us to pray for others with a need! We are blessed with Evan who has a sweet, snuggly loveable side that overflows our "cups."

Field Trip
We were at Hershey Children's Hospital today, for a follow-up appt. I would love to tell you that Evan is so much better...BUT I praise God for a smidge of improvement on his new meds. We'll take a smidge :) Evan continues to have seizure activity every day. He is going to need extra learning support or a complete turn around (for the "cloud" to lift), in order to learn and progress at school. We are looking into some options and pray for wisdom in making decisions. Evan loves school, his teachers and his friends, but it is very difficult for him to learn with all the seizure activity going on in his brain.

Where do we go from here? One day at a time. We will continue Evan's Diet & food journal, meds, Ketone testing 2x a day, Seizure Log, etc. We continue trusting God to heal our little boy.

Typical Lunch on MAD Diet
Isaiah 26:3-4 - You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you. Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD, the LORD, is the Rock eternal.   

Daniel 9:17-19 - “Now, our God, hear the prayers and petitions of your servant. For your sake, Lord, look with favor on your desolate sanctuary. 18 Give ear, our God, and hear; open your eyes and see the desolation of the city that bears your Name. We do not make requests of you because we are righteous, but because of your great mercy. 19 Lord, listen! Lord, forgive! Lord, hear and act! For your sake, my God, do not delay, because your city and your people bear your Name.”

Thank you for your continued prayers and support. We long for God to heal Evan through a miracle or through meds & diet. Prayers for wisdom, discernment and waiting on God's timing.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Tests & Tears

Wow! It's hard to keep up with a blog! A quick re-cap:

Evan was having great success with his diet.
We celebrated 160 days seizure free in August. At his last check-up we talked with his diet team about "cutting back" his meds. She thought it was a little soon, but said we could start with an EEG. The day of the test Evan was sleep deprived & got sick on the way to the hospital (car sick or eating eggs too early)???? He did great and didn't cry this time getting all the wires glued on.

In the evening we had a Back to School Picnic. While eating supper Evan asked me to feed him, I helped him get his food on his fork, but he could barely get it in his mouth! MY HEART SANK as I watched Evan struggle through his jerks & shakes (seizures) to finish his supper. Our count is over! This is not the answer we were hoping/praying for.

The next week he had a few small seizures. When the Hospital called with his EEG results, they confirmed our fears.....Evan did not have a seizure during the test BUT there was a lot of brain activity (which can lead to or cause seizures). They would like to increase his meds.

Then this weekend we were camping and Evan began having LOT'S of seizures, clusters, drop-seizures. Leon & I feel so discouraged, to start over our counting, to watch our son go through this again! We are so thankful to be surrounded by friends & family who care, support & most important are praying. Thank you!

The last 2 days we have seen very few seizures, Evan just seems unsteady. We give all the credit to the power of prayer. Please continue to pray for Evan, and for us for wisdom with the next step in Evan's Journey.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Spring Brings New Hope!

     By mid-February Evan's "wiggles" were back. He got sick with the stomach bug and didn't want any of the foods he had started to love! By the 1st week of March our older children came home from school with high fever, Evan had 20+ seizures in one day. He was started on "clonazepam" to get things under control. That weekend he started with high fever & chest cough and "head drop seizures." The children had that virus for a total of 14 days (taking turns). At the end Evan got an earache and lot's of chest pain/coughing during the night. We took him to the Dr/ER Sunday morning...he had ear infection, a spot of pneumonia & some bronchial inflammation!!! WHAT NEXT!
     But I'm happy to say by the first day of Spring Evan was seizure free for 10 days! I took the children to Rita's and Evan had "Rita's" too! (Frozen PowerAde Zero blended w/heavy cream...made by Mommy)!

     Well besides another Dr visit yesterday b/c of a red swollen eye lid (which turned out to be a sty)...Evan is back on track with Diet & Seizure Control! Tommorrow Evan will be seizure free for 30 DAYS! Please Celebrate with us by saying a prayer for our son Evan and thanking God for his life and the plans he has for him! We thank those of you who are already praying an those who have blessed us in so many ways (with listening, kind words, gifts and much more). We had no idea that God would carry us on this journey by using friends and family!


Evan can have 15 carbs a day! Here are some of the foods we tried so far. He is so willing to try anything I make! He loves to help in the kitchen!
2 eggs (.8), 2 sausage (0), 2 strawberries (1.4), whipped heavy cream (0)
Green Smoothie
Making "Goldfish Crackers"
Rocket Pops
(Sugar-free Jell-O & Sweetened Heavy Cream)


Wednesday, February 26, 2014

How it all started.....

We are on Week 4 of the MAD Diet (Modified Atkins Diet) to fight Evan's Battle of Childhood Epilepsy/Seizures.

Here is how our journey began.......One Summer Sunday morning in June, Evan was eating is daily "breakfast of champs," cereal. He did an odd hand jerking, and spilled his food. Leon (my husband) & I both saw it and asked him to slow down. Seconds later when he went to take a drink of milk he again did a repetitious jerking and spilled on his shoulder???? We talked quietly about it on the way to church and Leon told me NOT to rush to call the doctor.
     A whole week later the motions began again at breakfast. I decided as soon as he went to play, I would call Leon and then maybe the pediatrician. But as he ran off to play he fell, and his legs were jerking....panic mood set in as I yelled his name and asked if he was ok? He said he's "too wiggly!" We got an appt. at the Pediatrician in an hour, as we arrived his symptoms worsened. He fell over several times and they took us right back. After careful review, the pediatrician called a neurologist in Lancaster (I remember thinking why call him, there's nothing wrong with his brain, it's his muscles)!!!! The neurologist said due to his age and current state, Evan needed to be seen immediately by a children's hospital! I was fighting back tears as our pediatrician assured us it was going to be ok and she'd be thinking of us.
     Next we rushed home, met Daddy who had got off work and off to Hershey Children's Hospital. I was crying and Evan asked why? He said "are you crying because I'm wiggly"? When we got there, Hershey was ready w/ a room and a team of Doctors. All of a sudden Evan was fine! They ran test after test, blood work, MRI & Spinal Tap (under anesthesia), and everything came back fine. We were to be released the next morning and the neurologist, (Dr. Rivera) decided to run one more test. A 15-30 min EEG right in his room. She said she was so surprised what they found, Evan was having seizures. We left the hospital on our first med Trileptal, and figured our journey was almost over, we would just have a child on meds 2 years max.
     That week Evan's seizure activity got worse every day, first 3 "wiggles," then 5, then as many as 9! We called his neurologist and he was immediately switched to "Keppra." Then the "honeymoon" began and Evan went seizure free for over 2 months! Again we thought we had it figured out and our journey was almost over. By fall we were seeing little jerks and something new "head drops." Meanwhile at my market job, 1 day a week, I met a family who's daughter had something similar to Evan and they were treating her epilepsy with Diet Therapy/Keto Diet. I had heard of this when I was a teenager, through a movie called "First Due No Harm." I wanted to talk to Evan's neurologist, but didn't want her to label me as "crazy or health nut." When we followed up with an appointment, I was praying for 2 things....that she would see Evan literally have a seizure (just to reassure me that, that was indeed what they were) and that I could bring up the Keto Diet and see if she ever heard of it? Both prayers were answered, in fact when I began to show concern for increasing Evan's meds, SHE brought up the option of Diet Therapy! Woohoo, doors began to open!
     When Evan's meds were increased every week for a month, but he continued having seizures, Leon and I began to talk very seriously about the diet with each other and friends and family. We knew we would need support for something so difficult. By November we spoke to a dietician and began the first step of changing Evan's diet. NO SWEETS (juice, soda, candy, cookies, cakes, packaged snacks high in sugar, etc...) He accepted it very well and understood his body was not healthy.
     Also around the same time we met with his preschool teacher and found out what he knew back in September (writing name, counting, letter recognition) he had now lost and was not retaining information. It was so difficult to see him go backwards with cognitive learning skills. He would try to count and couldn't even get to number 4 (his age). He also began to show increased aggression at school and at home. He was hitting, biting, yelling and most times had a grumpy, miserable face, where his smiles used to be. It was hard to be patient, but I knew we were battling more then a bad mood, we battling with "Keppra" (his meds)!
     Before Christmas we had decided we are doing the Ketogenics Diet, but Evan was 20 days seizure free??? When we met the diet team the first week of January 2014, we all decided the best fit for us/Evan was a modified version of the diet called MAD.
We began Monday, February 3 2014. I stayed home all week and created food I thought Evan would like. I want him to feel "normal." I guess this is our new normal.

Hershey Children's Hospital (June 2013)

FIRST DAY OF PRE-K (Sept 2013)

24 HOUR EEG @ HOME (Nov 2013)