Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Spring Brings New Hope!

     By mid-February Evan's "wiggles" were back. He got sick with the stomach bug and didn't want any of the foods he had started to love! By the 1st week of March our older children came home from school with high fever, Evan had 20+ seizures in one day. He was started on "clonazepam" to get things under control. That weekend he started with high fever & chest cough and "head drop seizures." The children had that virus for a total of 14 days (taking turns). At the end Evan got an earache and lot's of chest pain/coughing during the night. We took him to the Dr/ER Sunday morning...he had ear infection, a spot of pneumonia & some bronchial inflammation!!! WHAT NEXT!
     But I'm happy to say by the first day of Spring Evan was seizure free for 10 days! I took the children to Rita's and Evan had "Rita's" too! (Frozen PowerAde Zero blended w/heavy cream...made by Mommy)!

     Well besides another Dr visit yesterday b/c of a red swollen eye lid (which turned out to be a sty)...Evan is back on track with Diet & Seizure Control! Tommorrow Evan will be seizure free for 30 DAYS! Please Celebrate with us by saying a prayer for our son Evan and thanking God for his life and the plans he has for him! We thank those of you who are already praying an those who have blessed us in so many ways (with listening, kind words, gifts and much more). We had no idea that God would carry us on this journey by using friends and family!


Evan can have 15 carbs a day! Here are some of the foods we tried so far. He is so willing to try anything I make! He loves to help in the kitchen!
2 eggs (.8), 2 sausage (0), 2 strawberries (1.4), whipped heavy cream (0)
Green Smoothie
Making "Goldfish Crackers"
Rocket Pops
(Sugar-free Jell-O & Sweetened Heavy Cream)